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Scholarship Fund

The Youth Scholarship Fund of IBHA is a separate not-for-profit corporation founded in 1987 to aid in the continued education of IBHA youth. The first awards were given in 1988 and amounted to a total of $2,000.  To date, the fund has awarded over $246,000 to deserving youth. The scholarships are renewable for up to four consecutive years. Scholarship applications are available through the IBHA office or through a charter delegate.


Donations are greatly appreciated!

Please download a Scholarship Sponsor Form to be a part of this great program.


Dolores Kurzeja donation form

The Buckskin.jpeg

In addition to the scholarship auctions, the Youth Scholarship Fund of IBHA is currently selling "The Buckskin" by Orren Mixer. Commissioned in 1996 and completed in 1998, “The Buckskin” was unveiled at the 1998 IBHA World Championship Show. The painting depicts 19 horses. The buckskin stallion and his band of 9 mares and 9 foals reveal the various shades of the buckskin, dun, red dun and grulla horses accepted for IBHA registration. The limited edition of 100 artist remarques were sold at the unveiling of the painting and are now only available from private individuals. There are some of the 400 numbered and autographed prints (22”X28”) available from IBHA (see form above) and from the AQHA Heritage Center and Museum in Amarillo. The original painting can be viewed at the AQHA Heritage Center where it is on display as a loan from the scholarship fund.

Congratulations to Megan Manlief, Westport, IN on receiving a $1000 scholarship renewal for 2023!


The 2022 Richard Kurzeja Versatility Scholarship winners are:

1st - $1000 Kaleigh Courtock

2nd - $500 Anna Durnell

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