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IBHA registered horses have increased in value since the need was created to have such a registry. The horse industry as a whole continues to grow. A great many people are seeking out good breeding stock to add to their herds and they insist on registered horses. Many people are looking to double register horses and many IBHA horses qualify for double registration. IBHA-registered horses are eligible to show in IBHA-approved horse shows where they can earn awards and lifetime points. With the ability to compete and earn awards and to have a higher value on your horse, IBHA is the way to go with your buckskin, dun, red dun or grulla horse.


Beginning in 2016, IBHA began accepting registrations for color-eligible miniature horses

  • IBHA will register a miniature horse not currently registered with AMHA or AMHR into the IBHA registry, provided that the miniature horse meets IBHA’s color guidelines and all fees, application work, and the IBHA height verification form are complete. ï‚·

  • For all miniature horses six (6) years of age or under, a height verification must be performed annually prior to showing the miniature horse in IBHA sanctioned classes for each year.

  • Once the animal reaches six (6) years of age, owner(s) may apply for Permanent Registration with a completed height verification form.

  • At any age, height may be protested at a show and be subject to measurement pursuant to IBHA Rules. ï‚· A current AMHA or AMHR Steward or authorized IBHA designate must perform a height measurement to the last mane hair of the animal.

  • Refer to the current IBHA Rule Book for all relevant information regarding registration and annual height verification process.​


Buckskin-Bred program was implemented in 2019!


IBHA registration is open to horses (at least 14 hands at maturity) and miniature horses

of the following colors:


A true colored buckskin should be the color of tanned deerhide with black points.  Shades may vary from yellow to dark gold. Points (mane, tail, legs) can be dark brown or black. Buckskin is clean of any smuttiness. Guard hairs which are buckskin colored grow through the body coat up over the base of the mane and tail.


Dun is an intense color with a hide that has an abundance of pigment in the hairs. The dun color is a duller shade than buckskin and may have a smutty appearance. Most dun horses have dark points of brown or black. Dun horses sport the "dun factor" points which include dorsal and shoulder stripes, leg barring, etc.

Red Dun

The Red Dun will vary in shades of red, in the range of peach to copper to rich red. In all shades, the accompanying points will be darker red or chestnut and be in contrast to a lighter body color. Red Dun must have a definite dorsal stripe to be eligible. The dorsal stripe will usually be dark red and predominant. Other dun factor points such as leg barring and shoulder stripes are common. Horses with faint  dorsal stripes that do not appear on photos may be denied registration.


Grulla is also an intense color. The body color can be mouse, blue, dove or slate colored, with dark sepia to black points. Grulla (pronounced grew-yah) has no white hairs mixed in the body hairs. Grulla horses have have many dun factor points, such as the dorsal and shoulder stripes, and leg barring.

Brindle Dun

A different and unique body coloration with stripes appearing over the barrel of the  body and most, if not all, the dun factor characteristics. Brindle Duns show up in the Netherlands and they are referred to as an ancient dun color. The peculiar body markings can appear in the form of tear drops or zebra stripes.

A brindle dun will be classified as a dun on the IBHA Certificate of Registration.

Horses NOT Eligible for (Regular) IBHA Registration

  • Any horse having Albino, Appaloosa, Paint or Pinto horse characteristics

  • Palominos with dorsal stripes

  • Line back sorrels, chestnuts, greys and bays

  • Matured horses under 14 hands, with the exception of horses eligible for the miniature division. 

  • Horses showing a predominance of grey hairs to become greyer

  • Horses showing roans hairs throughout the body


***If horses that display these characteristics have an IBHA-registered parent or grandparent,

they are ​eligible for registration within the Buckskin Bred Program!***

Advantages of IBHA Registration

IBHA registered horses have increased in value since the need was created to have such a registry. The horse industry as a whole continues to grow. A great many people are seeking out good breeding stock to add to their herds and they insist on registered horses. Many people are looking to double registered horses and many IBHA horses qualify for double registration. IBHA competition has grown and awards can be earned with lifetime points accumulating for IBHA registered horses. With the ability to compete and earn awards and to have a higher value on your horse, IBHA is the way to go with your Buckskin, Dun or Grulla horse.

Types of IBHA Registration

APPENDIX REGISTRATION - The Appendix registration is for all foals registered on or before December 31 of the year foaled The fee is reduced for Appendix foals. An Appendix foal must be advanced to either the Tentative or Permanent stage to be eligible for lifetime points in competition or to be used as breeding animals. The advancements must be made in the horse's yearling year prior to reaching two years of age. Foals with both IBHA registered parents will still be registered as Appendix in their foaling year. Foals with two permanent IBHA parents will be eligible for advancement to Permanent upon becoming yearlings providing all other requirements are met. For advancement send four current color photos, the original Appendix certificate and the advancement fee to the office.

TENTATIVE REGISTRATION - The Tentative stage is the "proving ground" for stallions and mares. All stallions and mares (over one year of age) are registered as Tentative unless both parents are already Permanent. Tentative stallions must sire twelve (12) IBHA registered foals to be eligible for advancement from Tentative to the Permanent stage of registration. Tentative mares must produce three (3) IBHA registered foals to be eligible for advancement from Tentative to the Permanent stage of registration.

PERMANENT  REGISTRATION - Geldings are eligible for direct Permanent registration. Stallions and mares are advanced to Permanent when they have met the requirements as stated in the section on Tentative registration. Spayed mares are registered Permanent when IBHA receives notice of spaying.


Both Tentative and Permanent horses are shown together in all IBHA approved competition. Proof of offspring qualification for advancement to Permanent is the burden of the horse owner. Geldings are never registered in the Tentative stage.


BUCKSKIN BRED - Horses of any color with an IBHA-registered parent or grandparent are eligible to be registered as Buckskin Bred.  Click here for more information on this program.

© 2023 by the International Buckskin Horse Association

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